
#MACEDONIA – Jana speaks to Eurovision Ireland!


This week at Eurovision Ireland we are very exited as we got the chance to speak to one of this year’s contestants! Woo!

Yes, James caught up with the delightful and very talented Jana Burčeska from Macedonia to ask about her preparations for Europe’s favourite music competition in May – check out what she had to say below!

Thanks for taking the time to chat to Eurovision Ireland, Jana! First of all, can you tell us a bit about yourself. Who is Jana Burčeska?

Questions like this I have always considered the toughest. I believe it is up to others to speak of me, but I will give it a try. Jana Burčeska is actually a big child deep within, emotional and sometimes naive, a day dreamer with a pinch of rationality, but yet a very cognitive type. I like imagining and understanding many different subjects. Long story short – I am very curious and ask a lot of questions.

Curiosity is always a good thing! We’re curious, how did you feel when you were asked to be Macedonia’s representative at Eurovision 2017?

At first, I couldn’t believe it. I thought it was some kind of a mistake. Then I got really excited and couldn’t help myself from smiling. I am also aware of all the responsibilities I must bear, which makes me a little nervous, but very focused and dedicated too.

Were you a fan of the Eurovision Song Contest before you became a contestant? Do you have a favourite Eurovision song?

Of course I am! My friends and I, back when we were younger used to watch it all together and cheer. I have many favourites – I really liked Lordi in my rebel years, and I also love “Euphoria” by Loreen and “For Real” by Athena.

Some great song choices! Some great song choices! Speaking of songs, can you tell us anything about your song for Kyiv? Has it been written yet?

I can’t tell you anything in particular, except for the fact that the National Broadcaster has made an open call for songs and we are in the process of deciding which one would suit me best. We should be able to give you more detailed information on this subject soon.

We’re really looking forward to hearing more about it! How are you getting ready for the Eurovision stage? Is there anything you do to help you prepare for a performance?

This might sound a bit uncommon, but what I think helps me the most when it comes to Eurovision preparations is talking to my psychologist. We’re currently working on dealing with performance anxiety and facing all the upcoming challenges. Of course, I actively work on my singing with a vocal coach, as well as on my physical condition with regular exercise. Vitamins and a balanced diet are a must! Health is the most important!

If you hadn’t become a singer, what do you think you would have liked to do instead?

Oh, I would like to do so many things. Public speaking is another passion of mine. It’s a combination of writing and presentation skills. So, I guess I would focus on becoming a TV host, a motivational speaker or even better, a public speaker – orator – aiming for social impact in the streets like Cicero did back in ancient Rome. I might try becoming a writer too. Being a writer gives you such a wide palette of jobs you could do. Like, a book writer, a play writer, a poet, a screen writer. You get the privilege of inventing new worlds for our world to behold and explore!

That’s why we love writing too Jana! We’re happy you stuck with singing thought. If you could sing a duet with any singer (alive or dead), who would you want to sing with and why?

This question is so difficult, it’s not fair! There is an infinite number of amazing artists I would like to work with. I will go with Lianne La Havas this time, but I can’t promise you the same answer the next time you ask this question. 🙂

We’ll ask you again in Kyiv to check! 😛 Lastly, do you have a message for your fans at and around the world?

Dear fans, I am wishing you joy and happiness and love, health, good friends and positive vibes! Take care and be honest to your loved ones, it is the only true way of living life to its fullest!

Thanks Jana for your answers! Благодарам! We look forward to seeing you in Kyiv!

Are you looking forward to hearing’s Jana’s song? Will you be supporting Macedonia in May? Let us know in the comments!



Author: James Scanlan

Source: Eurovision Ireland

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