REPORTS : “Russia will not participate in the Eurovision song contest anymore!” – Dmitry Medvedev

Dmitry Medvedev

“Russia will not participate in the Eurovision song contest anymore!” – Dmitry Medvedev.

Serbian news agency SlobodniMediji.com are reporting that AP have reported that Russian Prime Minister Medvedev has said today of the Eurovision Song Contest.

“This is not about a good song anymore, this is a real show of dirty minded people, politics, secret LGBT agendas and so on. After all of these incidents, we need to move away from this show”, says Medvedev according to SlobodniMediji.com. who claim the AP representative is Zabranjeno kopiranje.

SlobodniMediji.com from what we have uncovered has been a new agency in Serbia that have been on social media since 2014 and have over 18 thousand Facebook subscribers – SEE HERE

We have requested them to provide their AP source and will update you accordingly.

What positive steps can the EBU take to ensure we keep all of Europe in the 2017 Eurovision Song Contest?

We had our first ‘suggestion article’ for the EBU regarding song submission dates that certainly got people talking! We will have more this week for you that will share some of our ideas on how to strengthen the Eurovision contest.


What do you think about the reporting of Prime Minister’s Medvedev’s comments?

Author/Editor in Chief Garrett Mulhall

Source : SlobodniMediji.com


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