Eurovision 2015

Switzerland : The UK Singer on Most Popular List in Swiss Eurovision Selection


What is it about the Swiss Eurovision national selection that attracts entrants from all over Europe each year? We found out earlier today that an Eric Saade was in the running – well one of his songs from 2010!

However I digress. You can see on the SRF platform the most popular songs that have been uploaded to date. We received a message from a UK hopeful asking for a shout out. Who are we to deny anyone a helping had at Eurovision. UK singer Lewis Sheridan and his song ‘I Do Not Need You Anymore’ has been on the popular list on the SRF platform. You can see Lewis’ song HERE

The song is also on YouTube

Lewis is from Wigan in England and you can follow him on Facebook HERE

Lewis was in the #5 this morning. It keeps changing so keep an eye out for your favourites. You can see the other popular list HERE
Author/Editor in Chief Garrett Mulhall

Source : Eurovision Ireland


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