
🇸🇰 #SLOVAKIA: A Return In 2025 Will No Longer Happen

RTVS, the Slovakian national broadcaster, have revealed they will no longer be returning to the Eurovision Song Contest in 2025.

RTVS’ Head of PR & Communication, Zuzana Vicelova, had the following to say:

“Due to the reduction in the amount of the state budget contribution to RTVS, which was decided at the end of 2023, RTVS will also not participate in Eurovision in other periods. The participation of Slovak artists entails high financial costs, for which RTVS does not have the resources.”

Let us know what you think about Slovakia and the 2025 Eurovision Song Contest – either in the comments below or on our FACEBOOKTWITTERYOUTUBEINSTAGRAM and TIKTOK pages.

Author: Richard Taylor

Source: Eurofestivales

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