
🇨🇭 #ESC25: Lugano Will Not Submit A Host City Bid

It is two weeks since SRG SSR, the Swiss national broadcaster won the 2024 Eurovision Song Contest, in Malmö, however host city interest has already begun for the 2025 Eurovision Song Contest.

Lugano, the host city of the inaugural Eurovision Song Contest, in 1956, have announced that they will not be entering the host city bid for the 2025 Eurovision Song Contest. Roberto Badaracco, Deputy Mayor of Lugano, had the following to say:

“It would be nice to return to Ticino again. Clearly the aspirations are confronted with reality, that of Lugano but also of the entire canton. Unfortunately we don’t have venues capable of hosting up to 15,000 spectators. There is the LAC, the Palazzo dei Congressi, the Cornèr Arena, the future sports hall, even the conference centre, but which will never reach the required numbers.

It is therefore a shame because surely an event with such resonance would have had a great impact, also in terms of visibility, for our canton. But unfortunately I think it will be difficult.”

Let us know what you think about Switzerland and the 2025 Eurovision Song Contest – either in the comments below or on our FACEBOOKTWITTERYOUTUBEINSTAGRAM and TIKTOK pages.

Author: Richard Taylor

Source: Eurovoix

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