
🇱🇻 #LATVIA: A Latvian Eurovision Withdrawal To Be Discussed In Parliament

The Latvian Parliament is due to discuss the possible withdrawal from the Eurovision Song Contest, following a petition by Kristaps Bogdanovičs exceeded the 10000 signatures required.

The petition by Kristaps Bogdanovičs, achieved a total of 11300 signatures. The petition outlined the following:

“I call for an end to Latvia’s participation in Eurovision. It is doubtful that this event contributes significantly to the image and reputation of Latvia. People participating there tend to behave in an obscene manner, and this is also considered the norm. There are European countries that do not participate in Eurovision for various reasons, including financial reasons, and Latvia should better invest its already problematic public financing, where we have clear benefits: in sport.

Therefore, I urge you to end Latvia’s participation in Eurovision, do not hold “Supernovas” and redirect funding towards sport. It is unacceptable that the Biathlon Federation has to collect donations for the World Championship, which is undoubtedly more important than Eurovision.”

Let us know what you think about Latvia and the Eurovision Song Contest – either in the comments below or on our FACEBOOKTWITTERYOUTUBEINSTAGRAM and TIKTOK pages.

Author: Richard Taylor

Source: Eurofestivales

Categories: #Eurovision, Eurovision 2021, Latvia

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