🇳🇴 #EYM24: The EBU Clarify The Number Of Allowed Participants

The EBU, the European Broadcasting Union, have clarified the number of participants allowed to take part in the 2024 Eurovision Young Musicians.

Following the INITIAL announcement that up to ten participating countries could take part, the EBU have stated that eleven countries can participate – Norway (Host Country) and ten more. Amelie Rossignol, from the EBU, had the following to say:

“This decision is mainly due to the final length of the show and the length of each musician’s performance. Our goal is to ensure that each participant has enough time to showcase their talent, and this limit helps us maintain a high-quality production within of the overall time frame of the programme.

As for the limitation to 11 countries, it was announced to effectively manage the scale of the event. While having semi-finals could have been a solution to accommodate more broadcasters, it was decided not to have them for production reasons. This approach helps us “We focus on offering an exceptional experience for both participants and the audience within a unique and high-level event.”

Let us know what you think about the 2024 Eurovision Young Musicians – either in the comments below or on our FACEBOOKTWITTERYOUTUBEINSTAGRAM and TIKTOK pages.

Author: Richard Taylor

Source: Eurofestivales

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