⚽️ #EURO24: Match Day Thirteen – Ukraine & Belgium, Slovakia & Romania, Czechia & Turkey and Georgia & Portugal

Today, the 2024 UEFA European Championships continue and we have added a Eurovision twist to the proceedings.

Today is match day thirteen, with the thirty third, thirty fourth, thirty fifth and thirty sixth match of the Championships – Ukraine vs. Belgium is the thirty third match. But who will win? For the thirty third match, we have twisted things up with the Ukrainian Tvorchi and Belgian Jérémie Makiese. Tvorchi represented Ukraine at the 2023 Contest, placing in 6th place with 243 points, while Jérémie Makiese represented Belgium at the 2022 Contest, placing in 19th place with 64 points.

Video: YouTube/EBU
Video: YouTube/EBU

Slovakia vs. Romania is the thirty fourth match. But who will win? For the thirty fourth match, we have twisted things up with the Slovak Martin Ďurinda and Romanian Michał Szpak. Martin Ďurinda represented Slovakia at the 1994 Contest, placing in 19th place with 15 points, while Cezar represented Romania at the 2013 Contest, placing in 13th place with 65 points.

Video: YouTube/escLIVEmusic1
Video: YouTube/EBU

Czechia vs. Turkey is the thirty fifth match. But who will win? For the thirty fifth match, we have twisted things up with the Czech Lake Malawi and Turkish Sedat Yüce. Lake Malawi represented Czechia at the 2019 Contest, placing in 11th place with 157 points, while Sedat Yüce represented Turkey at the 2001 Contest, placing in 11th place with 41 points.

Video: YouTube/EBU
Video: YouTube/ESCTurquiaTv

Georgia vs. Portugal is the thirty sixth match. But who will win? For the thirty sixth match, we have twisted things up with the Georgian Anri Jokhadze and Portuguese Tó Cruz. Anri Jokhadze represented Georgia at the 2012 Contest, placing in 14th place in the semi final, with 36 points, while Tó Cruz represented Portugal at the 1995 Contest, placing in 21st place with 5 points.

Video: YouTube/EBU
Video: YouTube/escLIVEmusic1

Let us know what you think about the 2024 UEFA European Championships – either in the comments below or on our FACEBOOKTWITTERYOUTUBEINSTAGRAM and TIKTOK pages.

Author: Richard Taylor

Source: Eurovision Ireland

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