
#BIRTHDAY: Tania Tsanaklidou from Greece is 72 today

#BIRTHDAY: Tania Tsanaklidou from Greece is 72 today

Have you ever met your hero? That one person who made you think a particular way, or aspire to a certain lifestyle. Were you disappointed when you met them, or did you admire them all the more?

Today’s birthday girl Τάνια Τσανακλίδο/Tania Tsanaklidou sang about someone who as presumably one of her heroes. It’s never been reported whether she met Mr Chaplin, and she took part in the contest a year after he died. She managed to finish eighth in what was the biggest ever contest at its time. Maybe these days people would sing songs about other pioneers of stage and screen. So, Ralph, how soon could you write a song about Raquel Welch, Matthew Perry or Gina Lollobrigida?

Authors: Riigi Ametnik, John Stanton

Source: OnEurope

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