
🏳️‍🌈 #PRIDE24: June 27th – Zaachariaha Fielding & Michael Ross (Electric Fields)

It’s June and it’s Pride month. Here at Eurovision Ireland, we are going to highlight some of the LGBTQ+ artists to have participated in the Eurovision Song Contest.

For June 27th, we are continuing with Zaachariaha Fielding & Michael Ross. They represented Australia as Electric Fields, with “One Milkali (One Blood)”, taking 11th place in the semi final, with 41 points. Zaachariaha Fielding & Michael Ross are Gay. You can watch their performance of “One Milkali (One Blood)” below:

Video: YouTube/EBU

Gay is a generic term for lesbian and gay sexuality – some women define themselves as gay rather than lesbian. The term usually refers to a man who is attracted to a man.

Let us know what you think about the Australia and the 2024 Eurovision Song Contest – either in the comments below or on our FACEBOOKTWITTERYOUTUBEINSTAGRAM and TIKTOK pages.

Author: Richard Taylor

Source: Eurovion Ireland & Wikipedia

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