Eurovision 1975

OneDayLove – Greece 1992 – Cleopatra – Όλου του κόσμου η ελπίδα

The Eurovision Song Contest first took place in 1956 to bring Europe together. These days we are once more surrounded by troubled waters, diseases, floods and wildfires. But once again there must be hope and people can come together to help one another. Our thoughts and prayers go to everyone affected by these disasters and we hope that there will be a better place.

We know that love unites. Back in 1992, a heartfelt song was telling us just that a song can be “The whole world’s hope”.

Welcome to this edition of One Day Love!

Each week we celebrate one song from Eurovision History. You’ll find here facts like: the year they participated, name of artist, title of the song, lyrics and translations when the song is in another language other than English. Of course the performance video, total points or the placement in the semi-final/final or even national final (if the song only performed at that stage of the competition) will be included!

This week, we have a special guest for our One Day Love, Cleopatra with the song Όλου του κόσμου η ελπίδα (The whole world’s hope)

Year: 1992

Country: Greece

Artist:  Cleopatra

Title: Όλου του κόσμου η ελπίδα (The whole world’s hope)



Points in the Final: 94

Place in the Final: 5th

Who would you like to see next in our One Day Love celebration? Let us know in the comments section below!

Stay safe!

Author: Bogdan Fedeles

Source: , Youtube,

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